About Blue & Co LLC

Helping your entire business succeed.We understand that closely-held companies need a resource to handle today's needs and tomorrow's. They need services that are designed to help owners - as well as the companies themselves - attain their financial goals. We have the resources, reputation and size to accommodate all of your accounting, tax, employee benefit, strategic planning and consulting needs. We are also large enough to have a sufficient staff available at all times to respond quickly and efficiently - when you need our help you will receive it immediately.Our strengths are both functional and industry-focused.Starting with a solid base of fundamental accounting skills, we have focused our expertise in key industry areas. We rigorously maintain our strengths in core financial areas such as auditing, accounting and tax compliance. And we've improved those core strengths by adding experience-based advice in targeted industry areas.We are members of the second largest international association in the worldFounded in 1999, LEA Global is the second largest international association in the world, creating a high-quality alliance of 220 firms focused on accounting, financial and business advisory services. LEA Global firms operate from 617 offices in more than 100 countries, giving clients of LEA Global firms access to the knowledge, skills and experience of 2,222 partners and 23,437 staff members.

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Operating a great CPA, Accounting, or Bookkeeping Business in Lexington, Kentucky is a rewarding experience. The average annual income in Lexington is $29659. This provides a great income base and need for high quality bookkeepers and accountants. The typical home in Lexington has a value of $114800 and has 3 rooms. Lexington and the nearby area has a total population of 2106 people. This additionally gives Certified Professional Accountants, Bookkeepers and other accounting professionals a growing community to serve. If you are looking for a best in class accounting business or Quickbooks service provider please search our directory to find the best providers in your state.